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" " Rivers Express
" " Sutton Group
" " Minute Brake & Muffler
" " Choma Heating & Cooling
" " U Need A Plumber
John Isbister
Trevor Dixon
Jamie Lanoue
Pete Choma
(519) 617-8000
(519) 317-1210
(519) 709-4962
Players MUST CALL their team captain if they are going to miss playing ASAP so a spare can be called. Please do not leave it until the last hour. Team Captains are responsible to determine a suitable replacement not the player. If you do not call your captain you must pay a $2.00 loss of revenue fine. If you cannot contact your own team captain, contact another Executive member for necessary arrangements to be made. The $2.00 fine will be enforced.
Chris Parker
(226) 688-6942
Dan Mansfield
" " Coni-Marble
" " Fibrenew
(519) 476-6283
Henry Verbakel
(519) 495-4205
Tyler Crowell
(519) 857-8456
(519) 860-5795
(519) 902-9970