Season 2002 - 03

PlacePlace in Standings
DivStandings Division
TeamTeam Name
LeagueLeague Result
PlayoffPlayoff Result
1A Rowlands Appliance Service1st Place
2A Dempsters Corporate FoodsA Champ
3A A and M Truck PartsA Final
4A Weathertech Restoration
5B Tim HortonsB Champ
6B Dale DownieB Final
7B W. Craig Carpet
8B Sutton Group

Scoring Leaders
PlayerPlayer Name
  #  Player Number
TeamTeam Name
1 A and M Truck Parts37
2 Weathertech Restoration36
36 Sutton Group36
49 Rowlands Appliance Service35
533 Dale Downie34
6 Tim Hortons31
7 Weathertech Restoration31
819 Dale Downie29

Goalie Leaders
GoalieGoalie Name
TeamTeam Name
GAAGoals Againts Average
1 Rowlands Appliance Service2.05
2 Dempsters Corporate Foods2.23
3 Weathertech Restoration2.24
4 A and M Truck Parts2.76
5 Tim Hortons3.00
6 Dale Downie4.30
7 W. Craig Carpet4.67
8 Sutton Group5.31

Yves GagnonLen KolkmanJim Gifford
League ChampPlayoff A ChampPlayoff B ChampTop Scorer
Top GoalieAwarded to the best Goalie (GAA) minimum 10 games played
Top DefenceSportsmanlike
Giff AwardAwarded to the individual contributing the most to the LEOHL
Rowlands Appliance ServiceDempsters Corporate FoodsTim Hortons

2002 - 03 Banquet Program